Changes in the genital area due to genetic predisposition, after pregnancy or severe weight loss are still associated with a certain taboo and shame. However, many women suffer from the appearance of their genital area. Fat accumulations on the mons pubis, enlarged inner labia or too much skin in the area of the clitoris can significantly impair well-being and sexuality. Plastic surgery can provide relief here with surgical corrections and make a lasting contribution to regaining the quality of life in relation to this sensitive area.

The enlargement of the inner labia, the so-called labia hypertrophy, often leads to complaints. These can be caused by wearing tight pants, tight bikinis or skin-hugging sportswear and can have painful effects on those affected when cycling, horseback riding or sexual intercourse...
The cushion of skin and fatty tissue over the pubic bone can increase significantly due to genetic or hormonal factors. Women often find this bulky tissue uncomfortable. Here, the excess fat can be permanently removed with a tissue-friendly suction in the area of the mons pubis...