Gynecomastia or, in cases where there is only an increase in fatty tissue, also called adiposomastia, is often a psychological burden for affected men and leads to shame and avoidance of public dressing or intimate contact.
Even exercise usually cannot correct these common deformities. A plastic surgery breast correction can give you back an athletic breast silhouette and a masculine body image easily and with little risk. Based on the experience we have gained during our clinical work in large breast surgery centers, we are especially experienced in the most modern scar-saving techniques for creating a flat and masculine anterior chest wall and always combine this with defining liposuction of the chest.
In our consultation, we take our time and first analyze the cause of your breast alterations. An examination by a urologist or endocrinologist may be useful to clarify hormonal triggers in advance. Then we will explain to you in detail whether surgery is necessary and which procedure is best suited for you and your anatomy.
We will also inform you in detail about the aftercare and possible risks. About a week before your planned surgery date, we will give you a detailed and final explanation and, if necessary, conduct preliminary examinations. On the day of the surgery, we will draw the relevant surgical plan together again in a standing position. The operation itself will be performed under sedation or general anesthesia by our experienced anesthesiologist, whom you will of course meet. He is with you the entire time and monitors you throughout the entire surgery. Afterwards he will make sure that you do not feel any pain. The procedure itself takes about 60-90 minutes.
While you are still in the surgery room, we will put on special compression garments so that you can go home after a few hours of recovery in our recovery room if you are feeling well and fit. Of course, the surgeon will still be available for you by phone at any time. Afterwards, you should rest completely for about a week, and only then can you resume light office work or similar activities. The special compression girdle should be worn around the clock for six weeks. You should also refrain from sports for the same length of time. Showering using a special shower plaster is possible immediately after the surgery.
All follow-up examinations are included with JJPS. We will see you the day after the surgery, again about 5 days later, and for thread pulling 14 days after the surgery. We recommend that you make a follow-up appointment after about six weeks and after about six months for a preliminary or final check-up of the results of the surgery.
The pain of a gynecomastia surgery can be moderated well with normal painkillers; initial bruising disappears on its own after a few weeks.
Due to our broad experience in gynecomastia surgery, the removal of the excess breast is usually accomplished through small incisions in the lateral chest wall. First, the tissue is filled with a special solution and then the excess fat and tissue is suctioned out using the special water jet assisted Bodyjet method. The glandular body can also already be significantly reduced with this method. At the end of the surgery, the rest of the glandular body is removed through a small incision at the lower edge of the areola. In case of larger excess skin, this should be tightened with a combined procedure, if necessary. The procedure takes about an hour and can be performed either under sedation or general anesthesia.
We will explain the exact details to you in our consultation.
Costs & Financing
The costs for a gynecomastia operation start from EUR 3,500. Financing is possible on request through one of our financing partners.
External follow-up insurance should be taken out for all aesthetic surgeries. It protects you in the event of rare complications and the associated follow-up costs.
In the hands of competent board certified plastic and aesthetic specialists with proven breast surgery experience, gynecomastia surgery is a low-risk procedure that is performed thousands of times a day in clinics around the world. General risks such as infections, post-operative bleeding, bruising, etc. are relatively rare and usually easily remedied by surgery.
Six weeks after the surgery you can take off the compression garment and carry out all movements and sports again. Scar care is a topic that we will discuss with you personally.

60-90 Minutes
6 weeks of special compression garments, no sports, no heavy lifting
Financing is possible on request through one of our financing partners. External follow-up insurance should be taken out for all aesthetic operations. It protects you in the event of rare complications and the associated follow-up costs.
Depending on the size of the glandular body and additional excess skin/fat, suction combined with gland removal and, if necessary, skin tightening
about 14 days
Pain level
mild, well tolerated with normal painkillers
Among other things, swelling, bruising, wound healing disorders
Starting from
3,500 euros or 50 euros per month