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Brustvergrößerung mit Eigenfett in Berlin - JJPS


Many people flirt with breast augmentation, but would like to do without classic breast implants for various reasons. Lipofilling, i.e. breast augmentation with autologous fat, is a holistic and low-risk alternative. It can be a useful addition to silicone implants. The application takes place on a natural basis or as part of a hybrid breast augmentation. The fat is taken from your small problem areas or can also be combined with larger liposuction on a case-by-case basis. It is advisable to select zones with stubborn and diet-resistant fat deposits because the fat cells transplanted from there have the highest durability. The stomach, hips or inner thighs are the most suitable body zones for this. Two goals can also be achieved simultaneously as part of the treatment: modern body contouring, combined with the desired breast augmentation and shaping.


The fat intended for transplantation is suctioned off particularly gently using the WAL technique (water-jet-assisted liposuction) and specially prepared during the surgery so that only the pure, undamaged fat and stem cells can then be transplanted. The fat is very well tolerated as it is the body's own material and is therefore a permanent solution for a fuller breast volume.

Image by philippe spitalier

Hybride Brustvergrößerung

Was Hybride betrifft, wird dort, so könnte man sagen, das Beste aus beiden Welten miteinander kombiniert. Zunächst wird die Brust, wie bei einer klassischen Implantats-Vergrößerung augmentiert...

Brustvergrößerung mit Eigenfett in Berlin


Depending on the volume and any combination with other surgical procedures, this surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis. During our consultation, we take a lot of time to work with you to determine the procedure that is right for you and to determine liposuction areas, combinations, etc.


About a week before the planned date of the surgery, you will be informed and any necessary preliminary examinations will be carried out. On the day of the procedure, we draw the relevant surgical steps together again. Depending on the extent of the volume and your wishes, the surgery can be performed under gentle sedation or under general anesthesia.


Compression garments (bra and corset) will be put on after the procedure while you are still in the operating room, so that you can go home after a few hours of regeneration in the patient’s room – provided you are well and feel fit. All follow-up examinations are included with JJPS. This includes the follow-up examination on the day after the operation, further examinations after 5 and 14 days and again six weeks after the operation. A final outcome check is carried out six months after the operation. Before the operation, your gynecologist should perform an ultrasound or a mammography of your breast (depending on your age and risk profile) to be on the safe side.



The gentle extraction of the fat cells is carried out using the tumescence method in ultra-wet technology (the so-called WAL technology: water-jet-assisted liposuction). To put it simply: An isotonic solution with adrenaline is first introduced into the area to be suctioned through mini accesses (which heal with almost no scarring) and the subcutaneous fat is “watered” at this point. A special procedure is then used to carefully separate the individual fat cells from their compound. The fat/liquid mixture obtained in this way is specially prepared so that we collect the pure, vital fat cells that are then introduced in several anatomically correct layers at the previously determined points. In this way, the breast is modified with the body's own "filler" and brought into the desired shape. Just like with body contouring, the suction area can also be treated with an ablative procedure and additionally tightened. The small mini entrances are closed again at the end of the surgery. They usually heal without scarring.


Depending on the type of metabolism and behavior after the surgery, about 60-80 percent of the transplanted fat remains permanently, so this procedure should be repeated if necessary to achieve the desired volume effect.


The result of breast augmentation with autologous fat is permanent after healing. However, it naturally remains fat, which means that if you later lose weight significantly, the breast fat – as well as the fat in other areas of your body – will be reduced again. This method is therefore particularly suitable for people with a stable weight.

Costs & Financing


The price for a breast augmentation with autologous fat starts at 4.000 Euro per session. If it is foreseeable at the beginning of the treatment that several sessions will be necessary, we offer the service at a total price.


Financing is possible on request through one of our financing partners.

External follow-up insurance should be taken out for all aesthetic operations. It protects you in the event of rare complications and the associated follow-up costs.



In addition to rare surgical risks such as infections, bruising or dents can occur in the suction areas, which almost always disappear on their own after a while. Initial hardening or sensitivity limitations on the breast are normal and will also subside over time. In some cases, a fat transplant has to be carried out again after about six months in order to achieve the desired volume effect.



In the first 14 days after the procedure, you should rest physically, although light activities while sitting are possible again after a week. You wear the compression underwear for about 4-6 weeks, after which you can - according to your own feelings - increase your level of physical activity. It is important to refrain from smoking after the surgery and not to do any intensive sport for six weeks or to take measures to reduce weight, otherwise the transplanted fat cells cannot heal well.


Six weeks after the surgery, we will invite you to the practice for an examination. We will use this opportunity to discuss long-term aftercare and future examination intervals with you. Normal breast cancer screening by the gynecologist (including mammography) is of course still possible, and it should definitely be done regularly.

Brustvergrößerung mit Eigenfett in Berlin

Are there reasonable alternatives to surgery?

As described, before the actual breast augmentation, the required autologous fat must be harvested. This procedure is sometimes not possible in very slim patients. In such a case, the insertion of an implant for breast augmentation is essential.



Depending on desired volume approx. 60-90 min


Sedation or general anesthesia


depending on complexity starting from

4,000 euros, additional sessions 3,000 euros;

or 42 euros / month


Aspiration of the fat with the gentle water jet-associated Bodyjet method


6 weeks special compression  bra, no exercise, no heavy lifting


Financing is possible on request through one of our financing partners. External follow-up insurance should be taken out for all aesthetic operations. It protects you in the event of rare complications and the associated follow-up costs

Pain level

Mild, well tolerated with normal painkillers


About 14 days

Useful information

Usually two to three sessions are necessary for the desired volume effect. Smoking is counterproductive for this type of procedure, since the viability of the transplanted fat worsens. Suction areas with diet-resistant fat are best suited (better durability)




Loss of volume, cysts, dents in the suctioned areas



Today, hybrids are particularly important in the automotive and mobility sectors. But they also occur in many other areas, including breast surgery. As far as hybrids go, you could say they combine the best of both worlds. First, the breast is augmented, as with a classic implant augmentation. This basically happens under the pectoral muscle. Before inserting the implant, a trial implant - called a sizer - is inserted. As part of this procedure, additional tissue is introduced in the form of autologous fat (lipofilling). This is done using the sizer. Only after the lipofilling is completed, the final silicone implant is placed, now covered by a thicker layer of soft tissue so that the outer edges of the implant and the transition zones are softer and more fluid. It also feel softer and more natural when palpating the breast. This effect is particularly advantageous in the décolleté, which becomes more voluminous and fuller contoured after the implantation. This makes it possible to use a smaller and therefore lighter implant, since with hybrid augmentation the breast is also enlarged by lipofilling. This procedure also addresses the optimization of typical problem areas on the abdomen, hips, thighs or buttocks. Body contouring can also be done in the same session. We would be happy to design a plan for hybrid breast augmentation at JJPS with you during our consultation.

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