The signs of aging are also often visible on the neck and, above all, difficult to conceal. In addition to sagging skin, which shows up in the form of hanging wrinkles below the chin, many people are also bothered by sagging subcutaneous fat. It allows the edges of the so-called platysma muscle to be seen and creates an unsightly contour, which has found its way into descriptive language usage uncharmingly as the “turkey neck”. In addition, a double chin can often form, resulting in a loss of shape and contour of the entire chin and neck region. The neck lift is often combined with liposuction of the neck and is often performed in conjunction with a facelift via an additional incision under the chin.

A precise analysis of the problem is crucial for a neck lift. This applies to the photo and video viewing, as well as classically in front of the mirror to illustrate the exact anatomical situation and to show you the optimal possibility for a correction. In addition to isolated sagging of the skin on the neck, so-called platysmal ligaments, i.e. prominent parts of the neck muscles just under the skin, can also represent stigmata of old age. This can also be treated well with botulinum toxin, for example.
In the run-up to the operation, we evaluate some basic pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, inflammatory, hormonal, allergic or neurological symptoms.
As a preparatory step, we recommend that you refrain from smoking two weeks before the date of the operation and not to use any blood-thinning medication such as aspirin during the same period. But we will discuss all of that in detail during the preparatory meeting.
Depending on the complexity, size and combination, the procedure itself can be carried out under a gentle local anaesthetic, possibly supplemented by sedation or under general anaesthetic, so that a neck lift is largely painless. Before the procedure, the exact surgical plan is drawn in. If excess fat is present at the same time, this is removed along with the platysmal ligaments. The wound is sutured very finely using microsurgical technology. The elegant thing about this procedure is that it is carried out in the hands of an experienced specialist with almost no scars and can also be easily combined with other procedures.
Costs & Financing
The cost of a neck lift varies, depending on the complexity. They consist of the surgical procedure, the material, the anesthesia and the final examinations. The costs start at around 4,000 euros depending on the effort involved and the combination with other processes.
As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of side effects with a neck lift. In rare cases, secondary bleeding, wound healing disorders or unsightly scarring can occur. Redness and swelling are normal in the first few days after the operation, which can be covered with a scarf or turtleneck. Bruises are less common and will fade on their own after a while. Regular, moderate cooling after the operation is important.
The wound is sealed with fine plasters (so-called SteriStrips). You should refrain from physical exertion for about a week in order to keep your blood pressure low and to minimize the risk of bleeding. Heavy sweating should be avoided. The sutures are self-dissolving. So that we can closely monitor the healing process, we ask you to visit our practice for checks. Sport should be avoided for four to six weeks. The elegant thing about this operation is that the resulting scars are almost invisible after healing.

Are there reasonable alternatives to surgery?
Often the variant of a plasma pen or similar external "smoothing methods" is offered. The effectiveness of these methods is questionable and the costs for such treatments are often very high. In the case of fat deposits on the neck, liposuction can also be carried out.
Approx. 1-2 hours
Local anesthesia and sedation or general anesthesia
Depending on complexity from
4.000 euros or 82 euros per month
Depending on the anatomical conditions combined with liposuction on the chin
6 weeks no sport
Financing is possible on request through one of our financing partners. External follow-up insurance should be taken out for all aesthetic operations. It protects you in the event of rare complications and the associated follow-up costs
Pain level
Mild, well tolerated with normal painkillers
About 14 days
Depending on the type of lifting, on an outpatient basis or as an inpatient for one night
Secondary bleeding, wound healing disorders