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Many men suffer from visible fat and glandular tissue of the breast.  This change in shape is called gynecomastia and by no means only corpulent men are affected. Due to a genetic predisposition, after taking certain medications or in case of hormonal imbalances (e.g. during puberty), even patients with a slim and athletic physique often suffer from "man boobs", as gynecomastia is often unpleasantly called.

Another common malformation is the funnel chest, i.e. a congenital malformation of the chest. In the case of functionally non-impairing forms of funnel chest, the insertion of a custom-made implant and/or autologous fat transplants can be used here to achieve an optical correction without extensive surgery on the thorax.


Let us inform you about the different techniques of male breast correction on the following pages or simply get to know us personally in our male breast consultation without obligation. All breast reconstructive procedures are complex surgeries that should only be treated by board certified specialists in plastic surgery with experience in breast surgery.


Good to know:

Besides working at JJPS, we also continue to work as attendings at the Breast Center of the renowned Charité in Berlin and thus have great expertise in this special surgical field.



Gynecomastia or, in cases where there is only an increase in fat tissue, also known as adiposomastia, is often a psychological burden for the affected men and leads to shame and the avoidance of public changing or intimate contact...


Funnel chest is a common congenital malformation of the thorax in which the sternum is tilted backwards in lateral view and is often also rotated. As a result, the suspension of the ribs is asymmetrical and visually provides a "hole in the chest"...

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