Pregnancy or major weight loss often produce an annoying excess of skin. Furthermore, the straight abdominal muscles often diverge, a so-called rectus diastasis, which leads to a ball-like bulging of the abdomen. The sagging skin is no longer able to contract again, physical activity, high intensity workouts or a change in diet help minimally at best, so that a flat stomach can only be achieved with a surgical tummy tuck (so-called abdominoplasty).

In the case of previous operations on the abdomen, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal wall should be carried out on a case-by-case basis in order to rule out any abdominal wall hernias. Precise planning of the subsequent scar position is important. It is therefore advisable to bring underwear that you like to wear with you to the preparation appointment so that the scar can be placed exactly in the area covered by the panties.
You must not take any blood-thinning medication for at least 14 days before the date of the abdominoplasty. Any pre-existing high blood pressure must first be well controlled with medication and you should refrain from smoking. There are also some contraindications that we will discuss with you in detail during the preliminary talk.
The procedure itself is performed under general anesthesia and is largely painless. Before that, we draw in the exact surgical plan. Subsequently, all sagging skin and fatty tissue is mobilized from the pubic bone up to the costal arch. In addition, the abdominal wall muscles are united in the midline with firm sutures to emphasize the waist and stabilize the abdominal wall again, so to speak, the application of an inner corset. The excess tissue mobilized in this way is removed and the remaining skin is shifted downwards. The belly button needs to be moved in order to bring it into its ideal position, in the middle of the stomach. The wound is closed with strong sutures in depth, the skin over it is sutured very finely to make the scar as inconspicuous as possible. It is hidden in the bikini line and fades over time.
If there is a large excess of soft tissue, including in the upper abdomen, a purely horizontal incision over the pubic border is not sufficient to create a flat contour. In this case, we combine the horizontal incision below with a vertical incision from the upper abdomen around the navel to the lower incision: this so-called anchor incision is also known as the “fleur-de-lis” technique. This can also be used to address excess tissue in the upper abdomen. We will discuss the right technique for you during your consultation with us.
Costs & Financing
The costs for an abdominoplasty vary depending on the complexity involved and are made up of the surgical procedure, the material, the anesthesia and the final examinations. The costs start at 6.900 Euros, depending on the time of the operation and combinations with other procedures.
The procedure is a very common operation within plastic surgery. Risks can arise with regard to possible secondary bleeding, wound healing disorders or unsightly scars. The latter may require correction later.
Smokers have an increased risk of wound healing disorders and other problems, so we strongly recommend not smoking for at least four to six weeks before and after the operation. Furthermore, it is essential to protect the abdominal wall with a compression garment for six weeks.
The procedure is performed on an inpatient basis with a stay of at least one night in an affiliated clinic. After the operation, you must abstain from sports and heavy lifting for six weeks. During this time, a special compression garment is worn day and night. After 2-3 days, the first check takes place with the removal of the wound drains. Further follow-up checks follow. Since we work with self-dissolving sutures, there is no need to pull sutures.
Sauna sessions or bathing should be avoided for two to three months. The scars are fine and with the right care they fade quickly and are very inconspicuous.

Are there reasonable alternatives to surgery?
In the case of small, circumscribed excess tissue on the lower abdomen, a so-called mini-abdominoplasty without relocating the belly button may also be possible. A caesarean section scar that may be present can also be used and corrected at the same time.
About 2-3 hours
General anesthesia
Depending on complexity starting from
6.900 euros or 102 euros per month
Tummy tuck with transposition of the belly button and inner corset, scar is usually hidden in the bikini zone
Approximately 7-14 days downtime, 6 weeks no exercise and heavy lifting, wearing of a special corset
Useful information
Can also be combined with liposuction in the sense of a lipo-abdominoplasty, anchor incision (fleur-de-lis-technique) is also possible in the case of large excess skin
Pain level
Pain-free thanks to general anesthesia
After about 2 weeks
Rarely bruises, wound healing disorders, infections