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Sagging skin on the thighs usually develops after significant weight loss.

Sometimes, however, normal skin aging and/or an individual genetic predisposition can also be responsible for the formation of strong, visible excess skin on the thighs, which restricts the quality of life of those affected. Even physical activity and a healthy diet cannot provide any lasting relief for sagging skin in this region. In the case of a thigh lift, we perform gentle liposuction of the area to be lifted at the beginning of the procedure. It improves the contour and at the same time protects the sensitive lymphatic vessels, which are very numerous in this region. Excess skin is then surgically removed. To do this, we make a vertical cut on the inside of the thigh, which resembles a trouser seam and is very inconspicuous.

Eine Pause machen


Precise planning of the incision and the areas to be suctioned is important.

Before a thigh lift, you must not take any blood-thinning medication for at least 14 days before the procedure and you should refrain from smoking. There are also some contraindications that we will discuss with you in detail during the preliminary talk.


The procedure itself is carried out in our partner clinic in about 90 minutes. This is done under general anesthesia and the procedure is largely painless. The exact surgical plan is drawn in beforehand. The excess fatty tissue is then gently suctioned off and the now empty skin is tightened. Finally, we close the wound with strong sutures and sew up the overlying skin with very fine stitches so that the scar is very inconspicuous. In any case, it is unobtrusive on the inside of the thigh and fades over time.

In order to drain off wound secretion, a drainage is inserted on each side, which can usually be removed after 2-3 days. Initially we put on compression bandages and after two days we exchange them for special panties.

Costs & Financing


The costs for a thigh lift vary depending on the complexity involved and are made up of the surgical procedure, the material, the anesthesia and the final examinations. The costs start at around 7,500 Euros, depending on the duration of the surgery and combinations with other procedures.


The procedure is a routine within plastic surgery. Nevertheless, there are risks such as postoperative bleeding, wound healing disorders or unsightly scars that may need correction later.


Smokers have an increased risk of wound healing disorders and other problems. We therefore strongly recommend that you refrain from smoking for at least four to six weeks before and after the operation.


The procedure takes place as an inpatient in our partner clinic with an overnight stay. After the operation, sports and heavy loads must be avoided for six weeks. During this time, special compression pants are worn. The first check is made after 2-3 days. Further follow-up checks follow. Since we work with self-dissolving sutures, there is no need to pull threads.


Sauna sessions or bathing should be avoided for two to three months. The scar is fine and with the right care, it fades quickly and is later almost invisible.


The procedure can easily be combined with other tightening operations.



About 1-2 hours


General anesthesia


Starting from 7,500 euros or 86 euros per month


Removal of excess skin on the inner thighs, usually in combination with liposuction, vertical incision, similar to a trouser seam


6 weeks abstinence from sports and heavy lifting, wearing a special corset

Pain level

Pain-free thanks to general anesthesia


After about 2 weeks




Rarely bruises, wound healing disorders, infections

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